In November 2022, global semiconductor sales fell 9.2% month-on-month

Column:Company Dynamics Time:2023-01-10
According to the data on the official website of the American Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA), the global semiconductor sales in November 2022 will decrease by 9.2% annually due to the market cyclicity and the overall economic headwind

According to the data on the official website of the American Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA), the global semiconductor sales in November 2022 will decrease by 9.2% annually due to the market cyclicity and the overall economic headwind

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John Neuffer, president and CEO of SIA, said: "The main reason for the decline in global semiconductor sales in November was the cyclical nature of the market and the adverse wind of the macro economy." "Compared with November 2021, the sales in the Americas increased, while the sales in China decreased significantly year on year."

According to the data, the global semiconductor industry sales fell to 45.5 billion US dollars in November 2022, with a monthly decrease of 2.9% and an annual decrease of 9.2%. SIA said that it was mainly affected by market cyclicity and the overall economic headwind.

From a regional perspective, sales in the Americas (5.2%), Europe (4.5%) and Japan (1.2%) increased year-on-year in November, but sales in Asia Pacific/all other regions (- 13.9%) and China (- 21.2%) decreased year-on-year.

SIA pointed out that in November 2022, the sales volume of the U.S. market increased by 5.2% annually, the annual growth rate of the European market was 4.5%, and the Japanese market also increased by 1.2% annually; The sales volume in the Asia-Pacific market decreased by 13.9% and the sales volume in the Chinese market decreased by 21.2%.

If compared with last October, sales in all markets showed a downward trend, including Europe (- 1.0%), Japan (- 1.2%), the Americas (- 1.4%), Asia-Pacific/all other regions (- 3.0%) and China (- 5.3%).

The World Semiconductor Trade Statistics Organization (WSTS) estimates that the global semiconductor sales will reach 580.1 billion US dollars in 2022, an annual increase of 4.4%; In 2023, terrorism will fall to US $556.5 billion, down 4.1% annually.